We are food, nutrition and health experts

How We Work

We analyze the client’s needs, and our experts offer a strategy proposal and a work plan to achieve their objectives. We assess the competitive landscape, make a mapping of key actors and carry out strategic alliances.

We empower our clients to succeed by combining deep food and nutrition expertise and cutting-edge technology services. In addition, we integrate the biological, social, and economic factors to achieve comprehensive and sustainable efforts to contribute to the social marketing of wellness.


We are a consultancy firm specializing in food, nutrition, and health, with over 12 years of experience supporting organizations worldwide.

As close collaborators and seasoned experts, we bring together leading-edge skills, experience, and a powerful drive to help you solve unprecedented food, nutrition, and health challenges.

Our mission is to support organizations across the public and private sector in reaching their goals by identifying evidence needs, providing best-in-class analysis, and delivering results.

MV Nutrition Consulting Services

Scientific dissemination

Design of content based on scientific evidence for web pages, social media platforms, and newsletters.

Development of content on ingredients and/or food and its association with health.

Produce analysis and reports on relevant food, nutrition, and health issues.

Deliver webinars, roundtable discussions, seminars, and conferences.


Desk-based and field research on topics related to food, nutrition, and public health.

Market research for the introduction of new foods on the market or evaluating existing ones.

Research concerning technologies associated with nutrition and health.


Assess and map opinion leaders and decision-makers.

Brand/product representation with industry leaders, government chambers, and conferences.

Deliver virtual and in-person conferences.

Development, implementation, and evaluation of public food, nutrition, and health policies.

Our Team

Prof. Marianella Herrera Cuenca


Dr. Marianella Herrera is a professor, researcher, and consultant in nutrition, food, and health. She is a leader in her professional field and is part of the Research Council of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics of the United States of America.

She was President of the (IAAND) International Affiliate of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. She has received numerous awards including being recognized by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation.

Dr. Herrera is the author of more than 100 scientific articles. Her main areas of research are social inequities, non-communicable diseases, community nutrition, and the impact of public policies. Also, she has been immersed in humanitarian management and has been a consultant to agencies such as the World Food Programme. She has extensive experience as a speaker at national and international conferences.

Dr. Maria Virginia Tijerina Walls

DrSc, MS, NC


Dr. Maria Virginia is a certified dietitian with clinical, educational, research, and public policy experience. She was the communication manager at the Mexican Observatory of Noncommunicable Diseases (OMENT) and has collaborated as a consultant and researcher for public and private organizations. Dr. Tijerina Walls was President of the (IAAND) International Affiliate of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and Chair of LAHIDAN (Latinos and Hispanics of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics) of the United States of America. She is the LAHIDAN Delegate at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics House of Delegates.

Dr. Tijerina Walls has been a member of councils and boards of nutrition associations in Mexico and has extensive experience as a speaker at national and international conferences.


Contact us for more information!